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- Tags: Corruption
Open Government Partnership
Open Government Partnership
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international initiative that secures commitments from national and sub-national governments to promote…
Tags: Corruption, Government, International
Travin, V., Your application is being looked into
Travin, V., Your application is being looked into, Rutgers, 1976
"Poet: Shkliarinsky, A. ""The Fighting Pencil” group, 1976
The promise is given only as a blind.
They will have to come back not once, not…
Tags: Art, Bureaucracy, Cartoons, Corruption, Fighting Pencil, Waste
Travin, V., Bribe
Travin, V., Bribe, Rutgers, 1969
"“The Fighting Pencil” group, 1969
—A bribe?!.. Never!..
—A present? Quite another matter…
The cartoon “unmasked” those officials that took…
Tags: Art, Bribery, Cartoons, Corruption, Fighting Pencil, Satire
Trunev, Y., Write…That we breed sturgeons
Trunev, Y., Write…That we breed sturgeons, Rutgers, 1967
"Poet: Smirnovsky, S.
A bureaucrat can always manage in such a way.
And sturgeon is not the problem here...
This man can breed everything and…
Tags: Art, Breaucracy, Cartoons, Corruption, Pollution, Satire
Rabinovich, Y., The "most promising" employee
Rabinovich, Y., The "most promising" employee, Rutgers, 1964
"Poet: Tumarinson, G.
This boss is generous with promises—
He may make hundreds of promises...
But all his claims are simple proofs
Of his…
Tags: Art, Cartoons, Corruption, Empty Promises, Posters, Satire
Semenov, B., Plant director!
Semenov, B., Plant director!, Rutgers, 1974
"Poet: Shumilin, V. “The Fighting Pencil” group, 1974
He took a nap, showed no reaction
To the pollution by his plant
And only then he sprang to…
Tags: Art, Cartoons, Corruption, Director, Plant, Pollution, Satire, The Fighting Pencil
Cherepanov, Y., I need those who fit this measure…
Cherepanov, Y., I need those who fit this measure…, Rutgers, 1965
"The real interest of the party-state-managerial nomenklatura was “in maintaining at any cost their privileged position in society because it allowed…
Tags: Art, Cartoons, Corruption, Loyalty, Nomenklatura, Obedience, Satire, Soviet Union
Kunnap, V., The "gted" manager
Kunnap, V., The "gted" manager, Rutgers, 1968
"Poet: Alekseyev, V. ""The Fighting Pencil” group, 1968
Sycophants and bootlickers
Are untiring as such,
And sometimes
Being praised by them too…
Tags: Art, Cartoons, Corruption, Satire, The Fighting Pencil
Kunnap, V., The house with ghosts
Kunnap, V., The house with ghosts, Rutgers, 1972
"Poet: Shumilin, V. “The Fighting Pencil” group, 1972
He is just a genius for a shady business deal:
Fake names on the payroll he shows as…
Tags: Art, Cartoons, Corruption, Dead Souls, Fighting Pencil, Posters, Satire
Sychev, I., ...But the booze was in the mouth...
Sychev, I., ...But the booze was in the mouth..., Rutgers, 1984
The vain crow, a forest ranger, has been outwitted by the fox. This time he gives the crow a bottle of vodka and makes off with the trees that she is…
Tags: Art, Bureaucracy, Cartoons, Corruption, Crow, Environment, Satire, Vodka
US Department of State, The Open Government Partnership (OGP)
US Department of State, The Open Government Partnership (OGP), Open Government Partnership, 2011
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global effort to make governments better. Citizens want more transparent, effective and accountable…
Tags: Corruption, Empowerment, Governments, OGP, Open Government Partnership, Transparency
Carl Hassmann, The Crusaders
Carl Hassmann, The Crusaders, Library of Congress, 1906
"No man who is corrupt, no man who condones corruption in others, can possibly do his duty by the community." - President Theodore Roosevelt Caption:…
Tags: Art, Artwork, Corruption, Public Service