The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK) - Annual Awards 1998 -


The Federal Library and Information Network (FEDLINK) is an organization of federal agencies working together to achieve optimum use of the resources and facilities of federal libraries and information centers by promoting common services, coordinating and sharing available resources, and providing continuing professional education for federal library and information staff.  FEDLINK serves as a forum for discussion of the policies, programs, procedures and technologies that affect federal libraries and the information services they provide to their agencies, to the Congress, the federal courts and the American people.

FEDLINK Awards recognize and commend outstanding, innovative and sustained achievements during the previous fiscal year by the following categories: Small and Large Federal Library or Information Center, Librarian of the Year and Library Technician of the Year. Small and Large Federal Library or Information Center awards are given to both a small library/information center (with a staff of 10 or fewer federal and/or contract employees) and a larger library/information center (with a staff of 11 or more federal and/or contract employees). All nominations must be made on behalf of an entire library or information center (e.g., main or branch library or information center). Award recipients from preceding years are not eligible.

2014 Federal Library/Information Center of the Year

Large Library/Information Center (with a staff of 11 or more federal and/or contract employees): Barr Memorial Library, Fort Knox U.S. Army Garrison, Kentucky, is recognized for its leadership role in delivering flexible, innovative and relevant programs and services to support, build and sustain a constant state of Army readiness. Its focus on quality programs and services for nearly 200,000 patrons included deploying a self-contained wireless network with digital content at more than a dozen locations across the installation. The library is known for its "Authors at Your Library" program, which features notable names from the New York Times Best Sellers list and an additional 300 interactive learning programs for more than 13,500 attendees. Beyond supporting its collection of 120,000 items with radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology, the library also offered pre-deployment briefings, soldier mission-essential training, civilian information fairs, research and writing classes, summer reading programs for all ages, and "Puppy Tales," a children's reading program in coordination with the Fort Knox Red Cross Pet Therapy Program.


The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK)






Library of Congress


Library of Congress


Medium: Illustration






FEDLINK, Federal Library & Information Network, Agencies, Libraries, Education, Policy, Awards


United States




The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK), The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK) - Annual Awards 1998 -, Library of Congress, None

Cite As

The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK), “The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK) - Annual Awards 1998 -,” Virtual Museum of Public Service, accessed February 19, 2025,