Primary Documents: Diversity in Public Service
Diversity in Public Service:
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2012-2016
- Diversity Counts: Racial and Ethnic Diversity among Public Service Leadership National Urban Fellows, May 2012
- Managing Diversity in Civil Service: A Conceptual Framework for Public Organizations Sonia Ospina
- Review of Diversity and Public Administration: Theories Issues and Perspectives, 2nd ed. by Mitchell F. Rice
- Integration of the Armed Forces 1940-1965
Leadership for the Public Service:
- White Paper - Public Sector Leadership Challenges- Are they Different and does it Matter? by John Ferguson, Peter Ronayne, and Mike Rybacki
- This data provides rich insights into the similarities, differences, and critical nuances of public vs. private sector leadership. And indeed, the story is one of nuance. As this paper highlights, leaders from both sectors name similar leadership challenges and prioritize them in parallel for the most part, but the unique setting and context found in the public sector—very much defined by the Constitution—leads to subtle, but very real and noteworthy differences.
- Source: Center for Creative Leadership
- Excellence and Leadership in the Public Sector: The Role of Education and Training
- From the 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government Building Trust in Government, Vienna, Austria 2007
- This volume deals with two separate but very closely related issues that, when taken together, will have a profound impact on the quality of governance of the world’s nations during the next several decades. These two topics are how one best achieves true excellence in public administration education and training and how one prepares both the current and the next generation of governmental leadership to most effectively deal with the complex problems which the world’s nations face.
- Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration
- Strengthening Leadership in the Public Sector A Research Study by the Performance and Innovation Unit.
- This project was set up to improve understanding in the public sector of how it can attract the leaders - and the leadership – to deliver public services for the 21st century.
- Source: Performance and Innovation Unit -
Motivation for the Public Service:
- National Archives to Open "Say it with Snap!": Motivating Workers by Design, 1923-1929 Exhibition
- Can posters inspire employees to improve their work habits and increase productivity? This exhibit highlights historic work place posters created by the Chicago-based Mather & Company in the 1920s. The posters answered the needs of a rapidly changing American work force through the use of dynamic color and catchy slogans designed to cajole, coax, and even admonish employees to perform at their best.
- Source: National Archives
- Articles on Motivating Government Employees
- A supervisor's two most important functions are to develop and motivate their employees. This page provides a number of resources that can help supervisors create an environment in which every employee wants to do his/her best.
- Source:
- Public Sector Work Motivation: A review of the Current Literature and a Revised Conceptual Model by Bradley E. Wright
- This article reviews the literature on work motivation in the public sector, with careful attention to the underlying theoretical assumptions of this body of work and the empirical evidence it has generated.
- Original Source: J-PART II (2001):4:559-586
Quiet Heroes and Innovators:
- OECD Innovation Strategy
- The OECD Innovation Strategy draws on significant work carried out by more than 15 Committees and their working parties across 10 OECD Directorates, including numerous analytical projects, workshops, conferences, a series of country roundtables with policymakers and stakeholders.
- A series of annual reports began in 2010. The 2015 series focuses on an agenda for policy action. This links to the strategy as well as to a website with links to analysis and additional related readings
- Good Practices and Innovations in Public Governance 2003-2009
- This publication provides an overview of 85 successful innovations in governance and public administration from 40 countries that received the United Nations Public Service Awards, which is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service. The purpose of this book is to disseminate, through descriptive case studies, information about innovative practices by looking at the problem that led to an innovation; the solution that was designed and implemented to respond to the specific challenge; the actors and steps involved in the innovation process, and lessons learned. Learning more about how public institutions from around the world have solved difficult governance challenges can be a powerful and inspirational tool for those engaged in improving public sector performance.
- Source: United nation Division for Public Administration and development Management, UNDESA
- Innovation Statistics
- This page provides information about OECD work on innovation surveys and indicators. The OECD has played a key role in the development of international guidelines for surveys of business innovation (Oslo Manual) and the design of indicators constructed with data from such surveys. In addition to developing methodological guidance, the OECD also carries out analytical studies using innovation-related indicators and microdata. This work is guided by the OECD Working Party of National Experts on Science & Technology Indicators (NESTI).
Women in the Public Service:
- Clara Barton Papers
Library of Congress - Declartation of Sentiments and Resolutions Women's Rights Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, July 19-20, 1848
- Woodhull and Claflin's Weekly Archives
Extracts from Victoria Woodhull's newspaper that was published between 1870-1876 - Jane Addams and Hull House
The New England Magazine, 1898 - Memoirs of Alice C. Evans
Primary Documents: Diversity in Public Service
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“Primary Documents: Diversity in Public Service,” Virtual Museum of Public Service, accessed November 12, 2024,