Primary Documents: Science and Service to the Public


Environmental Protection:

  • Policy Guidance
    • The EPA has primary responsibility for enforcing many of the environmental statutes and regulations of the United States. As such, the Agency is granted explicit enforcement authority in environmental statutes. Sometimes, however, that authority needs to be further refined or explained. In such cases, EPA may develop and implement policies and write guidance. In addition, EPA sometimes issues policy or guidance to encourage compliance with environmental requirements.
    • Source: US Environmental Protection Agency
  • NOAA Climate.Gov
  • Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) Weekly Notices of Proposals and Actions
    • The Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) is an official publication of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, produced since 1976 as required by the Environmental Conservation Law Article 3-0306(4).

Public Health and Healthcare:

  • Definition of Public Health Quality
    • This definition is applicable beyond governmental public health agencies and includes others that have a public health mission as well (tax-exempt hospitals, NGOs, academia).
    • Source: US Department of Health and Human Services
  •  The Nation’s Health
    • The Nation's Health, the monthly newspaper of the American Public Health Association. The Nation's Health focuses on the news that public health professionals need to know, whether it's happening in their state legislatures, the nation's capital or on a global scale.The newspaper is published 10 times a year, with two combined issues.
    • Source: American’s Public Health Association
  • Health Resources and Services Administration - Data and Statistics
    • Data by topic, mapping services and data, health canter data, reports and downloads
    • Source: US Department of Health and Human Services

Science in the Public Service:

Protecting the Public's Interests:

  • The U.S. Social Security Act  1935
    • Enacted to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to establish a Social Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes.
  • United States General Accounting Office
    • Protecting the Public Interest
    • Selected governance regulatory oversight, auditing, accounting and financial reporting issues
  • General Information on the Office of the Ombudsman, Malta
    • In Malta, the Ombudsman is an independent Officer of Parliament, appointed by the President of the Republic acting in accordance with a resolution on the House of Representatives supported by the voters of not less than two-thirds of all Members of the House.



Primary Documents: Science and Service to the Public

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“Primary Documents: Science and Service to the Public,” Virtual Museum of Public Service, accessed November 13, 2024,