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- Tags: Conservation
Barraud & Jerrard, Sir James Ranald Martin
Barraud & Jerrard, Sir James Ranald Martin, Public domain in the United States, 1874
James Ranald Martin was prominent in promoting this ideology, publishing many medico-topographical reports that demonstrated the scale of damage…
Tags: Conservation, Deforestation, Environment, India, James Ranald Martin, Topography
None, Sir William Schlich
None, Sir William Schlich, Public domain in the United States, 1892
The modern conservation movement was first manifested in the forests of India, with the practical application of scientific conservation principles.…
Tags: Conservation, Environment, India, Movement, William Schlich
SCV TV, Stephen Mather - Conservationist and First Director, National Park Service
SCV TV, Stephen Mather - Conservationist and First Director, National Park Service, SCV TV, 1915
Enticed out of retirement in 1915 to become the first director of the National Park Service, Stephen Mather forged landmark advances in the quality of…
Tags: Conservation, National Park Service, Parks, Stephen Mather, Wildlife
Verplanck Colvin, Verplanck Colvin, Adirondack Artist
Verplanck Colvin, Verplanck Colvin, Adirondack Artist, Albany State Printer, ca. 1879
Today, the United States is home to over 6,600 state park sites which span 14 million acres. The Adirondack Preserve, set up by New York state in the…
Tags: Adirondack Forests, Conservation, Forest, State Parks, Whiteface Mountain
Namibia Crane Working Group, Namibia Crane Working Group
Namibia Crane Working Group, Namibia Crane Working Group, Namibia Crane Working Group, 2004
Due to growing concerns regarding the continued survival of cranes, the Namibia Crane Working Group (NCWG) was established at a workshop in Etosha in…
Tags: Animals, Conservation, Cranes, Habitats, Namibia
Dick Rowan, Sierra Club Nature Hike
Dick Rowan, Sierra Club Nature Hike, National Archives, May-72
The Sierra Club, the largest grassroots environmental group in the United States, was founded in 1892 by environmentalist John Muir. They are…
Tags: CAA, Conservation, Environment, Grand Canyon, National Parks, Nature Hike, NEPA, Sierra Club
America the Beautiful, America the Beautiful Fund
America the Beautiful, America the Beautiful Fund, America the Beautiful, No date
America the Beautiful Fund is a national non-profit organization started in 1965 to encourage volunteer citizen efforts and to protect the natural and…
Tags: America the Beautiful, Conservation, Environment, Nonprofit, United States, Volunteer
Goldman Environmental Foundation, Seacology
Goldman Environmental Foundation, Seacology, Goldman Environmental Foundation, 1997
Seacology is a nonprofit charitable organization headquartered in Berkeley, California that focuses on preserving island ecosystems and cultures…
Tags: Conservation, Cultural Preservation, Ecosystems, Islands, Nonprofit, Prize, Seacology
Samuel Johnson Woolfe, Theodore Roosevelt - 26th United States President - Timeline
Samuel Johnson Woolfe, Theodore Roosevelt - 26th United States President - Timeline, U.S. Library of Congress & American Museum of Natural History, 1919
"There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country. Just as we must conserve our men, women and children, so we must conserve…
Tags: Conservation, Governor, New York, NY, Presidents, Theodore Roosevelt, Timelines
National Park Service, Fire History Timeline 1804-2004 National Park Service
National Park Service, Fire History Timeline 1804-2004 National Park Service, National Park Service, No date given
Since the establishment of Yellowstone National Park as the world’s first national park in 1872, the desire to suppress, control, and manage fire has…
Tags: Conservation, Department of the Interior, Fire, Fire History, National Park Service, Parks, Yellowstone
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Federal Duck Stamp Program
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Federal Duck Stamp Program, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1934
Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps, commonly known as “Duck Stamps,” are pictorialstamps produced by the U.S. Postal Service for…
Tags: Conservation, Duck Stamps, Fish & Wildlife Service, Postal Service, Wetlands