National Association of Social Workers & National Hospice Foundation, Bernice Catherine Harper, Hospice Pioneer, National Association of Social Workers & National Hospice Foundation, 2012 & 2015
The vocation of everyman and woman is to serve other people.
Bernice Catherine Harper received the Global Vision Award in recognition of…
Centre for State & Local Government Excellence, Donald J. Borut - 2012 National Public Service Award Winner, Centre for State & Local Government Excellence, 2011
Donald J. Borut - Executive Director of the National League of Cities, manages the nation’s oldest and largest national organization representing…
International Association of Fire Chiefs: Historical List; US National Fire Protection Association: Codes and Standards, Firefighting: Benjamin Franklin Fire Service Award for Valor, International Association of Fire Chiefs, No date
The award recognizes firefighters around the world for their expert training, leadership, heroic actions and safe practices. Named after Benjamin…
2012 SLOAN Public Service Award Winner - UrbanOmnibus, James McConnell - 2012 Sloan Public Service Award Winner, UrbanOmnibus, 2014
Whether it is a hurricane, a fire, a flood, a black out or a terrorist threat, the City turns to James McConnell, Assistant Commissioner for Strategic…
National Waste and Recycling Association, National Waste & Recycling Association Awards for Sanitation Workers, National Waste and Recycling Association, No date given
Driver of the Year Award This program honors those drivers who operate their trucks in a safe and responsible manner, have outstanding performance…
National Park Service, Parks and Recreation: National Trails Awards, National Park Service, No date given
The National Trails Awards is one way American Trails Leaving New York State Parks recognizes the exemplary people across the landscape of America who…
The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK), The Federal Library & Information Network (FEDLINK) - Annual Awards 1998 -, Library of Congress, None
The Federal Library and Information Network (FEDLINK) is an organization of federal agencies working together to achieve optimum use of the resources…
Multiplying Good, The Jefferson Awards for Public Service, Multiplying Good, Unknown
"The attraction to the Jefferson Awards was we think it is the only real program out there... that will inspire and motivate greater volunteerism, and…