Quiet Heroes and Innovators (D-4)
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
- Christopher Reeve (1952-2004) well known actor (Superman)
Although many public servants work in environments that challenge even the most optimistic, creative, and industrious personalities, they are most often highly motivated by a calling to contribute to improving the lives of their fellow citizens and by a compelling desire to address social problems. While some individuals, drawn to public service become promoted to positions of great responsibility such as the United States President and Supreme Court Justices, many, many more serve in relative anonymity. Some of these are quiet heroes and innovators who deserve to be recognized for their service to the public.
Collection Items
Nani Coloretti - 2012 National Public Service Award Winner
Patricia Dalton - 2012 National Public Service Award Winner
Charles Richard Drew (1904-1950) Pioneer in Blood Plasma Storage
Virginia Apgar - Public Heath Pioneer
Stephen Mather - Conservationist and First Director, National Park Service
The Jefferson Awards for Public Service
National Public Service Award
Donald J. Borut - 2012 National Public Service Award Winner
Jefrick R. Dean, Sr. - 2012 Sloan Public Service Award Winner
Sarah Carroll - 2012 Sloan Public Service Award Winner
Donna Leno Gordon - 2012 Sloan Public Service Award Winner
James McConnell - 2012 Sloan Public Service Award Winner
Ruth E. Stark, Ph.D. - 2012 Sloan Public Service Award Winner
Phil Weinberg - 2012 Sloan Public Service Award Winner
Lisa J. Messersmith, Ph.D. - U.S. Public Health Researcher
Frank Zolin - Department of Motor Vehicles Reformer
Appointed by Gov. Pete Wilson, Mr. Zolin moved to Sacramento in 1991 to lead the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) after overseeing the Los Angeles Superior Court system. He implemented customer service improvements and…