Protecting the Public's Interests (C-4)


Protecting the Public's Interests (C-4)


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." 
-Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States
Protecting the public’s interest is the responsibility of governments and their executive agencies. Decisions made concerning the allocation of public resources to the provision and delivery of public goods and services is guided by the need to protect the public’s interests. The interpretation of what represents the public’s interest may vary at any point in time among stakeholders. Consequently there is ongoing debate among lobbyists, who are often more concerned about the special interests of individuals, groups and firms than about the interests of the larger community and society as a whole.
Overall, those concerned with protecting the public’s interest focus on issues related to public safety and welfare, and what will be of long-term public benefit. They are interested in the development and implementation of public policy. According to Harold D. Lasswell (1990), essentially, public policy determines “who gets what, when, and how”. Policy making can involve lengthy disputes over what is best for the public at a particular juncture. Governments can rarely afford to attend to all demands from their constituents, hence the rivalry among constituents for attention to specific needs.
The debate about what is best for the public has traditionally been resolved by applying rational economic decision-making, in terms of achieving the most returns on the least investment. The rational for this approach is careful management of public resources. In recent decades other approaches to protecting the public interests have been developed. These include, for example, organization-based strategies, where the competence and capacity of the organization are taken in to consideration when determining governments’ potential for being effective.
Promoting ethical behavior among public officials is one of the key aspects of protecting the public’s interests.

Collection Items

U.N. Campaign Against Nuclearization
Attempts at de-nuclearization constitute the UN’s longest (and arguably, most unsuccessful) project. The United Nation's very first resolution in 1946 came as a denunciation of, and call for the eradication of, all nuclear weapons in the wake of the…

Eat the Basic Seven Everyday!
In 1943, during World War II, the National Wartime Nutrition Guide was issued by the USDA. Food scarcity and wartime restrictions prompted nutritionists to adjust their advice. Seeking to promote good eating in spite of limited resources, they…

Plant a Victory Garden, Our Food is Fighting - Managing the Food Supply during World War II
"During World War II, the government had to ration certain foods (e.g., sugar, cheese, eggs, and coffee). In light of labor and transportation shortages, it was more difficult to harvest produce. To solve this problem, citizens were encouraged to…

Candy Factory Inspection
"Before the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act, factories such as these were unsanitary and exhibited “horrific conditions.” Inspection required that they “clean up their act,” which led to increased quality and safety for consumers.

The origins of the…

Lipton's Coffee Label
"After the Pure Food and Drugs Act passed in 1906, labels began to cater to sensitive consumers. This coffee label promises “absolutely pure coffee free from adulteration. It possesses a delicious flavor which never changes and is blended on the…

Contaminated Ketchup
"This 1909 record from the FDA shows a bottle of ketchup that was found to be contaminated. The caption reads “Made from Decomposed Material. Prosecuted July 3, 1909. Fined $50. N.J. 388.” The Notice of Judgement on this product called for the…

Magnet Safety Poster
This safety poster was issued by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, under the Neighborhood Safety Network project. It warns parents about the dangers of magnets to children, showing an x-ray and doctor with scalpel.

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Eleanor Roosevelt and United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home - so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighborhood he lives in; the school or…

Get Off The Track! A Song For Emancipation, Sung By The Hutchinsons
This music cover, published in 1844, is an advertisement for the abolitionist song, "Get Off the Track!" Composed by Jesse Hutchinson, Jr., it was dedicated to Nathaniel Peabody Rogers, an antislavery editor.

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Florence Kelley, Secretary, National Consumers' League
To live means to buy, to buy means to have power, to have power means to have responsibility.
Florence Kelley, National Consumers League website
Portrait of Florence Kelley, the founder of first general secretary of the National Consumers' League.…
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